Molins – Developer details “minor variations” to their Appeal Proposal

On 7th July 2016 Pinsent Masons, the solicitors acting on behalf of the developer St Congar, sent a letter to members of the public detailing the “minor variations” to St Congar’s development proposal and inviting representations from the public on the revised documents. The letter does not specify if the representations received will be made public.

St Congar hopes that the amended proposal will form the basis of the appeal process scheduled to start on 7th September. It is understood that, during the opening stage of the appeal, the Inspector will determine which development proposal (the original or the amended) will be assessed.

Given this uncertainty the Parish Council recommends that all concerned residents send their representations related to the amended proposal, as instructed in the Pinsent Masons’ letter, by the deadline of 29th July. In so doing the Parish Council also recommends that Wycombe District Council be copied in ( to  ensure people’s comments are placed on the public record.

The Parish Council notes that, according to the developer’s own documentation, the amended proposal introduces only “minor variations” to the original proposal which has been widely rejected by the local community. The Parish Council also points out that the Draft Neighbourhood Plan (currently undergoing public consultation until 20th July) includes a specific policy (Policy #3) concerning the development of the former Molins Site.


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